
Michal Kadera graduated in law at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen and he did his postgraduate studies at the Law Faculty of the University of Passau. He worked as a European law expert in the Senate of the Czech Republic (2004 – 2005) and as a chief of the Department for European Issues to the Ministry of Education (2005 – 2007) . Then he became a director of CEBRE – Czech Business Representation to the EU in Brussels (2007 – 2012). Currently he is a director of external affairs at ŠKODA AUTO, where he is responsible for public/government affairs, political communication, CSR (corporate social responsibility) and public support. When possible, he lectures about European law and lobbying at different universities (University of Economics Prague, University of West Bohemia Pilsen, etc.), publishes work about the EU, and takes part in international conferences.