Welcome Speech

After obtaining his Law degree from Freiburg University, Jürgen Martens worked for the European Commission and in 1990 opened his own Law Office in Saxony. His studies concentrated on European Law and culminated in a doctoral thesis on the European issue of “Economic Subsidy Fraud against the European Communities”. He has been a member of the FDP since 1977 and has been active in several positions at the regional and federal level. From 2004 to 2014, he was a member of the parliament of the Free State of Saxony. During that time he was appointed as Minister of State for Justice and European Affairs of Saxony for 5 years. In that context Jürgen Marten became a member of the European Committee of Regions and served as Vice-President for the Committee of European Affairs of the German Bundesrat. In 2015, he returned to his law office to work on European law cases and was appointed as a member of the Committee of European Law of the German Bar Chamber. After having served as Vice-President of the European Liberal Forum, ELF, from 2012 to 2016, he was elected as the foundation’s President in autumn 2016.