Education for the digital age
Czech Republic

Pavel Kysilka studied at VŠE in Prague. Between 1986 and 1990 he worked in the Economic Institute ČSAV. He served as a Chief Economic Adviser to the Minister for Economic Policy between 1990 and 1991. In the 1990s he held the position of the Vice Governor and Executive Governor of the Czech National Bank, where he controlled the split of the Czechoslovakian currency in 1993 and the implementation of the Czech Crown. As an expert for the IMF in 1994-1997 he was involved in the implementation of national currencies in many Eastern European countries. He served also as President of the Czech Economic Society during this time. In 2000 he began to work as the main economist for Česká spořitelna; in 2004 he was elected Member of the Board of Directors and from January 2011 he held the position of Director General and was Chairman of the Board of Directors for five years. In 2011, 2012 and 2013 he was awarded Banker of the Year. He deals with the economic, business and social impacts of the digital revolution. He is founder and a Chairman of the Board of Trustees of 6D Academy, president of the festival Smetanova Litomyšl, Member of the Board of Trustees of VŠE, Masaryk University, Palacký University Olomouc, Leoš Janáček Foundation, Bohemian Heritage Fund, Czech-Israeli Mutual Chamber of Commerce and Member of the Supervisory Board of Good Angel and Aspen Institute Central Europe.